[Updates] What’s Up With Eishi?

Hi all, hope everything is well with you!

Here in New Zealand, Matariki (Māori New Year) is fast-approaching, and I am super excited to attend various events that are already being held throughout Auckland.

As Matariki symbolises a new beginning, I have decided to turn my life around as it hasn’t been super easy for the last few months… here’re some updates!

1. Change My Approach to Rakugo

I have to admit, I have been quite egotistical about my rakugo, and I haven’t asked my supporters what YOU want to see in my rakugo work.

Sure, it is one way of doing rakugo to be staunch about what I do, but it is not my style especially when rakugo hasn’t taken off as much as I want in New Zealand or the rest of the world (outside of Japan).

So it is time to listen to you!

Please do comment here or on one of my SNS so I can repent my self-centred approach to rakugo 😁 Your opinions matter to me!

2. REVIVING My YouTube Channel

As some of you know, I have been suffering from a frozen shoulder and nerve pains from a back injury that I had while travelling in Japan a few months ago. Thank you for your concern😊- I am getting better, but the huge problem is that… I cannot sit in the seiza position for longer than 15-20 minutes.

In order to do a public performance, I need to be able to do seiza for at least 60-75 minutes, but this is not possible at the moment.

So… I have decided to revive the channel as this is a form of expression that I can easily do even with my current restrictions.

Please follow my channel if you would like to support me. Just one click away!

3. Storytelling Group

As I mentioned in another post, one of my dreams has always been to produce storytelling performances curating stories from all over the world including my art, rakugo.

In the past, I’d had several attempts to do this, even involving my producer friend, but it never came true.

My current physical restrictions reminded me of this long-term dream, and this is something I’d like to make it happen soon!

4. Māori Learning

I have finally finished all the Māori courses at my Wānanga (Māori university)! This is just the beginning. My learning continues!

5. Online Shop

I have opened an online shop. If you are interested!

This is it for now.

Thank you for your continued support!